Friday, February 11, 2011


So today started with me waking up after 5 hours of sleep (following a lovely panic attack lasting until 3:30 am) with my hair a mess, makeup residue smudges all down my face, and wearing gangster sweats. Opened my bedroom door to walk to the bathroom, and saw three strangers touring my apartment. I asked who they were and got the patented blank stare response. So, maybe I'll never know, but that was a nice surprise this morning. Took my shower, ate my breakfast (in my now stranger-free apartment), and went to Merida for the day.

Merida was beautiful. The old Roman bridge was awesome, as was the coliseum and the theater. We ate gelato on our long lunch break, did some shopping, walked across the bridge, and then went to the museum where all the actual stuff from the coliseum and theater were held. One of the statue heads was missing a nose and from the side looked exactly like Voldemort! It was so funny. After a long day of Merida we were all ready for bed, but instead we went and planned trips. We now have all our hostels booked for Spring Break, and are looking into going to Ireland for St Patrick's Day. We can even skip class for 2 days to come home on the 9 euro flights on Tuesday! We are also looking into going to Lisbon this weekend, but we keep having troubles buying train tickets online. We are hoping to remedy this by just going to the train station Monday to buy tickets.

The boy left training today, and, after a crazy long bus ride, will spend a few days in a hotel before heading out for his deployment. This means I will actually get to Skype with him and see his face for the first time in 3+ weeks! He has internet on the bus now, but no power, and his computer is a piece so it doesn't work if it's not plugged in. His phone is also dead now (I don't think he charged it before he left =(  ) but at least I know that by tomorrow night I will be able to talk to him! I absolutely can't wait to see his face again. Even if it is over a computer across thousands of miles.

Love from Spain

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